If you’re unhappy with your smile because of decay or dark fillings in your teeth, you may be a good candidate for composite resins, or tooth colored fillings.
Tooth-colored fillings are made of a blend, or “composite,” of plastic resins and silica fillers. These substances mimic many of the qualities of natural tooth structure, Composite resins represent several advantages over traditional silver, or amalgam, fillings.
Because composite resins are not the old metal fillings, we can blend and mix shades to find the perfect color to match your natural teeth. Another advantage is that the tooth/composite bond supports the remaining tooth structure, deterring breakage. Medium and small composites can last 7 to 10 years – just as long as metal amalgams. Best of all, composite resins allow us to keep more of your natural tooth structure intact than amalgams. We believe in taking a conservative approach to your dental care – the more natural tooth structure you keep, the better teeth you’ll likely have in the future.
The best way to determine whether tooth-colored fillings are right for you is to schedule a dental consultation. Call us today for an appointment.